Hello all,
The results of the 2018 competition have been announced here. I apologize for the delay. Congratulations to all participants and in particular to the winner of the heads-up event, Slumbot, and the winner of the six-player event, PokerBot5!
Details and statistics will be up shortly.
- Noam
I am happy to announce that Cubist Systematic Strategies has generously offered to sponsor the Annual Computer Poker Competition! Cubist is a quantitative investment firm with offices in New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Many of the same skills that go into developing a competitive poker AI are also applicable to developing profitable quantitative trading strategies. We appreciate their support.
Hello all,
The results of the 2017 competition have been announced here. I apologize profusely for the delay. Congratulations to our winner in both competitions, Intermission from Unfold Poker!
Also, you can check out the complete competition crosstable here. If you click on an agent's name, or an entry, you will get some more detailed statistics about the matchs in question.
- Kevin
The AAAI-18 Workshop on AI for Imperfect-Information Games will be held at AAAI-18 in New Orleans in February 2018. We invite you to come attend the workshop and welcome paper submissions (on computational poker or on any other topic related to imperfect-information games). Every year researchers and hobbyists interested in computational poker gather at this workshop to discuss in person the latest research and results. The deadline for paper submissions is October 13th. More details about the event can be found on the workshop web page: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~noamb/aaai18/workshop.html.
Noam Brown
The Annual Computer Poker Competition will be held again in February 2018. Noam Brown will be the incoming chair of the competition and Martin Schmid will be returning as the outgoing chairs. This time there will be a heads-up (two-player) no-limit Texas hold'em competition, and for the first time there will be a six-player no-limit Texas hold'em competition.
The plan is to use Amazon EC2 instances again this year, with a final submission deadline of December 20th 2017. Note that these machines are quite a bit less powerful than many desktop machines, so if computing resources are a significant issue for you, please check that this is adequate. The maximum submission size will remain the same at 250 GB this year for both the two-player and six-player competitions. The remaining technical specifications for the two-player competition remain the same as last year. The technical specifications for the six-player competition will be identical to the two-player competition, except that only 2 seconds per hand will be allowed rather than 7 (since each player will likely be involved in fewer hands). See http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/ for details on Amazon instance types. It is possible to get access to a smaller testing instance through Amazon for free by creating an EC2 account, and all competitors will get access to a full sized competition machine for final testing at least one week prior to the final submission deadline.
Any individuals or teams that wish to participate should send an email by December 1, 2017 to chair@computerpokercompetition.org expressing their interest. If you require any special software - anything that is not installed by default on an Amazon EC2 instance - please let us know by December 1, so we can try to make sure your requirements are met. Your expression of interest email is not a formal commitment, but allows us to plan for the time and resources required to run the competition.